Sunday, March 22, 2009

Remembering 3 Years

I made this video as a way of reflecting on the season of life that surrounded us as I experienced my mother’s passing and the years that followed. I started making my video in the spring of 2008 and finished it in 2009. I forgot to mention in my credits that the funeral photos were taken by Richard Lem on behalf of our family.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A gift for Janet

This is a video I made for my mom's sister Janet. They had a very special bond.

Remembering You

Remembering You

Why are you gone?
We don’t understand.
We want to be with you,
To just hold your hand.

Your last days had been
So long and so hard,
But we all could see
That your faith was unmarred.

We told God we needed you,
That we wanted you to stay,
But that wasn’t his plan
And he spirited you away.

Your time here was done,
It’s not ours to know.
Each day is a gift
‘Til it’s our time to go.

You touched so many lives
And had so much to give.
You helped us understand
What it really meant to live.

We know where you are
And are happy for you.
And maybe we are
Just a bit jealous too.

It’s just hard to be
The ones left behind
With the big hole you’ve left
In our hearts and our minds.

What a reunion you’ll have
With the ones gone before.
At last you will see them,
Together once more.

So what you have taught us
Is to live as the wise,
To defend our convictions,
And never compromise.

So when we are at
The end of life’s road
We can look back and smile
As our story is told.

That we lived and we laughed
With purpose of heart,
And by remembering you,
We were never apart.

by Paula Carroll